About Guruji
It is a profound privilege to write about Guruji. He is someone who cannot be put into words. But still, try to put him in words, to introduce his energy to the world.
He is very young in age, but his depth of understanding about life is phenomenal. At a very young age he heard some mantra which he took it simply and started chanting casually. After so many days of chanting he went into such a deep meditative process which made him get to a state where he has forgotten the place where he is and what he is doing. When he opened his eyes he could not recognize any one only he could only sense the energy and presence of the human beings. After a few days he went into intense silence after which he underwent a huge transformation. People call him as Guruji.
I am here in this world to represent your energy
Shri Hari Ji

His ways of Sadhana are so practical and effective to bring about the needed transformation both at individual level and social level. He has designed 22 layers of Sadhanas for spiritual seekers of all levels. His compassion is limitless and so is his dedication towards a true spiritual seeker. Being in the presence of his magnetic personality is truly a spiritual retreat.