Naga Aradhana
Nagaradhana consists of two words, ‘Naga’ and ‘Aradhana’. The combined word means paying respect to the snake. Generally, in Indian culture, our spinal cord is referred to as a snake. It is the storage house of all our karmas. Karma essentially means life situation itself, in a way that life itself is karma. The energy to eat, sleep, walk and do the work is possible only through the spinal growth, so all the karmic structure will build in the spinal. The spinal determines our entire life both at physical and metaphysical levels. The more subtle energy flowing in our spinal, the more active our life is.
The karmic structure in the spinal is such that the active life energy flowing in the spinal cord is very less. In such people, they will not be able to create another life because their own life energy is very low. That is why, when someone is not able to endure the child, they do rituals for Snake (Naga). The original intent behind these rituals is to energize the spinal to hold higher energy.But unfortunately, only the ritual part of them remained. But at a spiritual level, there are many yogic procedures that are designed to enhance life. This course is designed to empower the spinal to a large extent. Various yogic postures are designed specifically to twist, turn, and bend the spine in all possible ways which it will not undergo in regular day-to-day life. It is an intense procedure by the end of which the practitioner feels refreshed and energized. This program will bring back the spiritual as well as ritualistic ways to obtain the grace of Snake God.
Bangalore , Mar 2019
Case Study
A Sadhaka from Florida, USA is in touch with Guruji for more than a year. One day when he was practicing in the gym, he suddenly fainted. He was rushed to the hospital, but there was no problem diagnosed. Everyone thought it is just a little energy loss and fainting. But Guruji understood the real reason behind his fainting. He mentioned that his life energies are very less and so it happened. So he suggested that he come to India. After a month, he came to India. Guruji has designed 2-week procedures to regenerate his life energies and also travel to various pilgrimages. Later he has given a yogic procedure called ‘Nagaradhana’ to activate his life energies. At the end of two weeks, he has felt refreshed and energetic. He explained that by the pilgrimage, he has gathered up life energy from those places and infused him. After that, he went back to the US and is fine from then on. He did not get any fainting after that, even when doing intense gym activities.
Conclusion: Nagaradhana is a yogic-based process consisting of a combination of yoga asanas and rituals. Daily practice directly affects the karmic structure and enhances life energies