Rejuvenation Process
The Spinal cord is the storehouse of our karmic structure, which determines our entire life. This structure takes various forms which make tendencies and characteristics and behave in our own ways. There is a certain karmic structure that makes the life activation to be very low at times. This could be seen in various forms. In some people, there are certain medical conditions where they will be suffering from pain over many years but there is no identifiable physical problem. Such problems are arriving because of the karmic structure. Such kinds of situations require a correction at an energy level of the person rather than at the physiological level.
To change the energy pattern of the system, there are various sadhana methods introduced by rishis. Many sadhanas include yoga and pranayam. There are other ways to energize a person through the environment itself. Our temples in the olden days are built with great science. They worked as recharging centers. When a person enters the temple, the spinal cord will catch the energy like a sail catching the wind. The Rejuvenation process is designed to energize the spinal cord of a person and activate his system. This process consists of various yogic procedures and also travels to various temples to catch up with the required energy. The procedures and yatra places are unique for each participant depending on their requirements and the problems they face.