Since my childhood, I always tend to find answers within me. I also didn’t know where those answers came from, but I do get solutions to problems. I was curious about how we get solutions from within; As a science graduate, I wanted to know the scientific explanation of it. So, I was referring to many scientific topics and found some interesting observations in Nuclear Physics. Nuclear Physics deals with study of inside world of an atom. The world there is very different from what we see at the gross physical level. We see all matter as a solid non-penetrating medium. If we zoom in to matter, it is nothing but a series of atoms bonded together. Atoms are bonded between themselves through many forces. We may tend to think that since matter is solid in nature, it could be because the atoms are like solid balls linked to each other. But it is far from the truth. If we look inside an atom, it is all empty space. At the centre is a tiny nucleus, less than ten-thousandth of an atom. This nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. These are not solid as, well. It consists of tiny quarks, an energy field held together by fundamental forces like gravity, electromagnetism etc. The forces between quarks are what manifest themselves at a cosmic level as well. If we think of an atom as the size of a football field, the nucleus in it is the size of a football and in that, quarks are the size of a sand grain. The matter may feel solid at the physical level, but it’s all empty space at atomic and sub-atomic scales. So technically, the entire universe is largely empty space. The world is nothing but interactions between atomic particles with fundamental forces. The study of matter at such small scales is called Quantum Physics.
Now coming to Spiritual Science, here also we learn that there is something in us beyond the physical body. Beyond the physicality lies the ‘Mind’ consisting of emotions. These are subtle. Just like the nucleus is the entire weight of an atom, the ‘Mind’ is the most important element in humans. Just like the nucleus is formed out of binding forces between quark fields, we see that all emotions are formed by the combination of individual thoughts. And thought is formed out of memory and sensation. The sensation can only happen with the presence of awareness, which is an omnipresent field which has come from ‘Emptiness’. How physical matter is engulfed in empty space, similarly subtle matter (Mind) is engulfed in ‘Emptiness’. We can draw a lot of parallels between Quantum Physics and Spiritual Science. Both point towards ‘Emptiness’ as the fundamental basis of existence.
One day a group of Sadhakas (spiritual seekers) came to our ashram. The leader of the group had stayed in the Himalayas for more than a decade. He was elderly and quite learned. I escorted them through the campus and explained in detail about the activities and daily chores. I explained my vision and my work behind establishing the ashram. He asked me why I named the ashram ‘Shoonya’? He said that ‘Brahman’ (not ‘Brahmin’) is the highest of all; why did you not name your institute under these lines? I explained to him that ‘Brahman’ is the highest embodiment of existence, but beyond that, there lies the Emptiness which I refer to as ‘Shoonya’. It also means zero in Sanskrit. He mockingly said, with this name, you will really become zero; you will lose everything. I said, ‘What else to loose for the one who established himself in that vast Emptiness, the ‘Nirakara Brahma’, the timeless and formless’. I put my life itself on this path; if I were to lose everything, let it be. Considering the ‘Brahman’ as the highest itself is ignorance. One classic example is the story of Daksha Prajapati. He, being the ruler of the world, was filled with pride. He ignored the fact that the world is happening and governed by ‘Emptiness’. He started a Yajna (a ritual of offerings to Gods), excluding the nature of Emptiness. This is called a ‘Nireeshwara Yajna’. All the sages and seers warned him that it was technically not the right thing to do and so not good for the world. But he disregarded their advice and wisdom. As it is an unnatural act from the king, if it is successful, the entire world has to bear the negative results of it. So, Shiva, an embodiment of Emptiness, out of compassion for the world, had sent ‘Veerabhadra’, one of his energy forms, to destroy the Yajna and save the world from its consequences. This story teaches us that one should not conduct life discarding Emptiness under any circumstances. If you do so, you will be punished by the nature. In life, there is always a possibility for ignorance. When ignorance grows beyond a point, life will be choked. So the Emptiness, which is always witnessing with awareness, will come and reset life and remove ignorance so it can restart and flourish again. So ‘Drive in Emptiness’ is not an option or a recommendation, but mandatory. One who does not realize this ultimately has to suffer.