Everything which is physical in nature including, our body in this universe is made up of five basic elements which are called Panchabhutas ( Earth, water, fire, air, and space). Pancharadhana means Cleansing these five elements of our body.
The quality of our life essentially depends on how wonderful these five elements are within our body.
Spiritual View
Earth: Earth is the basis of life. The food that we eat, the soil that we walk on, has a sense of intelligence and memory. It will harmonize the physiological process of our system. Water: Water has a great sense of memory. It behaves as we are holding it and consuming it. That’s why, if we keep the water in a particular container and chant some of the mantras and consume it, health and calmness will come naturally. In the olden days, water is used to give the boons and shapas by the sages since water has that much power and energy. Air: The air we breathe is very important since through this only the whole system of body and mind works. It enhances the body’s integrity and strength. Air is also called Prana Vayu and it is the vital energy that travels through the body as a medium. Fire: Cleansing the fire element will improve physical and mental wellbeing. It brings a new sense of rejuvenation within us. It will review and reconnect the fire within you with the fire outside. Fire is a symbol of life energy. When the life force has gone out of the human body, it tends to cool down instantly. That’s why fire is also a form of life. When life exits human body tends to cold instantly so fire is a form of life. Space: As we know space or Akash is limitless. This will represent the imagination, intelligence, and perception of humans.
Scientific View
Air: Scientific studies prove that air cleanses our body in many ways. cleansing the lung tissues which helps exchange gases easily between the cells. It also helps us to reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Conscious breathing improves the oxygen levels in the blood which helps to heal faster. Earth: A study conducted on soil proved that it helps kill toxins, pathogens, and parasites. It helps overall gut health. It also contains B12 and other minerals like calcium, magnesium, etc which are vital for the body. Water: Scientific studies proved that the water molecule structure changes according to the sounds. The mantras create a positive impact on the water when it is consumed along with chanting. Fire: Lightening the fire will kill all the bacteria and germs around us. By inhaling the fumes the fire acts as anti- fungal and antibacterial for our body. By purifying all these fundamental elements of the body, the whole body can be purified.
- It acts as a shield against negative energies.
- It cleanses and makes our body free from all the accumulated information or the karmic memory structure.
- Regular practice would enable the ability of the mind to see the difference between physical, psychological, and existential elements.
- It helps us to know our real strengths.
- It helps to overcome the limitations of the physical and meta-physical of an individual.