Yoga is the union of body and mind, Asana opens the energy channels and integrates centers. Asanas are the tools to higher awareness, which help for the exploration of the body, breath, and mind. Yoga asanas are included with the yoga mudras (postures of hand) stimulating certain parts of the body and mind. Our ancient yogis learned that every aspect of life can be controlled by the breath. Pranayama improves lung capacity and also experiences the flow of prana within. Intensive Practice of various yogic techniques makes us experience something beyond prana and body thereby taking control of our life energies.
Spiritual View
The human body has evolved out of 84 lakh of body types which is from amoeba to human beings. Through yoga asanas, we are trying to realize the exploding energy. Each posture will take us to a subtle level of energy. Subtle means, what we cannot sense with physicality. By integrating this energy we can achieve oneness. Being aware of this energy will lead to a spiritual path. This awareness will turn you inward to think about what you are doing, how to react to something, how to handle the situation etc..which will definitely impact our lifestyle. Through these yoga asanas, we are giving some space and time to yourself to experience this awareness which is very important in everyone’s life.
Scientific View
Every mental tension has a corresponding physical and muscular tension. Yoga Asanas release dormant energy and the body becomes full of vitality. Thus the body becomes strong and the mind becomes joyful and balanced. This Balanced nature can bring the “ Focussed Mind ”to achieve the Awareness of oneself by Integrating your energies to achieve oneness. Yoga Asanas creates balance in the Nervous system and endocrine system and this directly influences all other organs of the body. One can be adopted to a healthy lifestyle after doing these yoga asanas.
Improves the flexibility of the body
Relieves all the body pains
Perfect posture will increase the flow of energy
Increases the blood flow
Reduces the high blood pressure
Lowers the risk of heart problems
Better sleep
Brings you awareness
Increase the immunity power
Develops healthy lifestyle