Emptiness is a very much neglected reality that is to be understood in great detail. When we listen to this word, generally we recollect an empty space or darkness. These may represent the word to some extent, but it is not the only thing to which it refers. It is an inward state of being where there is no sense of accumulation and gathering. A state of absolute nothingness which is the only true way of being. The only state of being out of which one can truly be a human being.
What is the importance of emptiness? Why should one even reflect whether one is empty inwardly or not? If one reflects on this enough, one will understand that emptiness is the only true reality. That is the only way one has to exist. If out of free will one chooses to be anything other than that, then the time comes into existence. Over time the accumulation happens and grows to large things and forms our personalities.
It is only a matter of time that problems begin to emerge and enforce us to look into the problem with attention and awareness. Once enough attention is put into the problem, it is resolved at the root level which is nothing but getting back to emptiness. One who is wise enough to observe this will always remain empty no matter what. His wisdom tells him the entire chain of the loop that one will get into if he steps out of emptiness. So emptiness is the only true solution for any problem.
But how to become empty? How do we know about ourselves whether we are empty or not? A constant self-reflection with willingness and truthfulness makes the way possible. Moment by moment it enables one to look with in to understand oneself. A truthful seeker would be aware of oneself to interpret one’s own actions and look at the personality as to where it is stuck up. It is also possible to look at the things around us such as nature, animals, people, inanimate things and understand from them.
Another way to be in emptiness is following someone who is already in a state of emptiness. We refer to him as “Guru”. Simply following a Guru can get you there. This is the shortest way in time and also easiest by effort. So in Vedic culture, Guru has been given a huge place. He can provide you with all the knowledge which will enable you to drive your life into emptiness. This is possible by doing seva to Guru and taking up the tasks given by Guru. So being with Guru is the way to the emptiness.