We have so many questions inside of us. All of our activities of life are ways to seek answers to our questions. So questions are the basis of the “busyness” of our lives. We simply get busy in our lives without understanding why we are busy and what are the questions by which we are busy. Many questions are lying in our subconscious. But we are not aware of them. When a question surfaces from the subconscious to the conscious then we are aware of our question and so we experience “Confusion”.
This confusion is a very important aspect of one’s journey towards knowing oneself. Let’s see why. We never take a moment and step back and witness ourselves. We never try to find the basis of our activities in life. But confusion is like a fire alarm. It will stop the whole activities of the subject matter for a while. At this moment there will come a silence. From this silence, the witness will arise. The witness observes the confusion with intense awareness. This awareness brings clarity which is nothing but the answer to the confusion or question. This clarity brings about a complete change in the perception, behavior, activities of life.
All of a sudden the activities which seemed so important will lose their place. All the things running that one made to get to something or to achieve something will seem futile. This is the natural flowering of a “Sanyasi” sthithi. In this state, all the activities which one is doing to find the answers to that questions are no more required. Along with the activity all the emotions, feelings attached to it are also dropped. When the destination is reached, why hold on to the train ticket.
As one by one confusion gets cleared, slowly the transformation happens. At one such state called “Samadhi” there will be complete clarity on oneself. Until that stage one’s activities are based on one’s own confusions. This does not imply that a person will drop away all the activities and go away to the forest. Definitely not. This Sanyasi sthithi will bring about clarity on every action one is performing. It will re-organize the priorities of one’s life.
This priorities are not based on the personal wish list instead these will be based on universal order. In a way, one has lost oneself to the universal. It is the oneness of the universe. It is the state of emptiness, the Shoonya. One’s activities are no more the execution of one’s agenda. He will not have any agenda at all. One’s activities are the execution of universal agenda. This is what we call a manifestation of God – Avatar.