One important question every Sadhaka will face at some point in his spiritual journey is “Is there something as Rebirth (Punarjanma)?”.The scientific community is still searching for answers to this question but current science is very rudimentary and gross to answer this question.
But the spiritual community of India has already thrown some light on this. To understand this question, we need to know the components of this life. One of the fundamental element of life is the “Prana”, a life force which has an energy, intelligence and memory of its own for its survival.
Prana is formed of the 5 elements (tattvas). It is this prana that is creating everything in our life like desire, body, thoughts. It is making us be in this body and do everything we are doing. You are different from your prana. You can experience so many pranas existing in the universe and it is only possible if your identification with your body is destroyed.
When a person dies, they do huge exhalations and then die. This is because the prana is held in the body through the breath. The prana leaves out of the body. If you want to experience any other pranas in the universe, you have to dominate your own memory. Currently, your prana is also identified with your memory. If you dominate all the characteristics of the prana, only then you can understand it. Prana has a huge set of commitments. It is not just karma that it holds. You have to travel beyond karma, to experience Prana.
Prana is not energy, it is the binding force of energy. We have to travel to a subtle energy level to know its characteristics. The moment you are identified with the prana, you cannot know its characteristics. You are only dominated out of the nature of the content at the level of identification. The identification dominates the prana itself and the mind is born. Unidentified prana is the pure form of being, which many people refer to as GOD.
For example, A lady will identify herself as a female. But the prana inside the lady will have no gender. Prana cannot identify itself with anything. Prana is a natural expression. It only knows to evolve to many intensive heights. One who mastered the prana can know when to peak it when to hold it back. We can only experience how it grows. We cannot know how it will be destroyed. Nature will destroy the identification i.e., nature will take care of the death.
Only when you loose your identification, we can achieve to see your prana. You should not have any identification at all. If you have even one identification that means you are not in that “Atma Gnana”. When you take up sanyasatva they will change your name to destroy your imaginative personality.
They will change the comforts to avoid you from conveniently settle down and moving forward. Because the nature of prana is to always evolve, it always wants to know something. But some people concluded that the prana comes and goes and takes re-birth. But really they have not fully experienced. When they cannot give up themselves one cannot experience.
If you wish to evolve, you will come to a point where you feel there is nothing to learn in this world, then it will settle in nature. We are only aware of the concept “Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam” but we don’t know the experience yet. That is why there is a huge sense of confusion. The prana only evolves.
The prana is not an individual entity to goes from one form to another. It’s a collective journey. When the prana rises in the body, it creates intense satisfaction and happiness. Its intensity is so high that in front of it, everything will look insignificant. One who comes to this state will take samadhi.